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quality / environment
In addition to upgrading our unique styles of production technology in order to guarantee the levels of quality that are demanded of world-class products, we at FUJI OOZX are expending every effort to completely eliminate loss and to improve our facilities. Our Fujisawa and Shizuoka plants were presented with the TPM Grand Prix Continuity Award in October 1998, and in addition to this, we also acquired the ISO9001 and QS-9000 certificates for our Fujisawa plant in September 1999 and for our Shizuoka plant in May 2000. Based on our belief that continual improvement is the root of increased quality and lowered costs, we intend to continue to strengthen each individual improvement in order to improve costs and quality, and ensure that our customers receive the highest levels of satisfaction.
fem engine

Stress analysis by FEM

Test on engine stand
environmentalAs far as we are concerned, conserving the environment is a major concern for all mankind and one of the most important responsibilities towards society.
Based on our awareness of this,we acquired the ISO 14001 International Environmental Management System Standards certification in July 2001,and have actively adopted measures to reduce the burden on the environment by establishing the four basic policies listed below, by taking part in a wide range of environmental conservation activities, and by initiating environmental education and training programs.
- Strict observance to all laws and agreement and also arrangement among industry
- and local and local society
- Eraducation of environmental pollutants
- Promotion of energy savings, resource saving and reduction of scraps
- Development of products that place minimal burden on the environment