FUJI OOZX of the engine valve production

Corporate Governance


Corporate Governance

At our company, in order to thorough obtaining transparency in the management, raising effectiveness and having our management team follow compliance, we deploy innovation by positioning our organization structure, which is able to quickly adapt to change, as an important policy, while enriching corporate governance. In concrete, we organize and operate an internal control system as of below.

Operation and Maintenance of the Internal Control System

  1.  We take action ethically, keeping in mind that complying by the law is the premise for all company activities by establishing rules related to the compliance system and "corporate principles", having the management team and employees take action of following the laws, articles, and our basic policy. Moreover, repeatedly spreading its mind-set to every employee through the President.
  2.  We have established the "CSR Committee", placing the President as the chairman. The management team and employees follow the corporate principles, continuing on with enlightening the action, implementing the audit and corrective action for just, fair, proper action as FUJI OOZX's employee.
  3. We have established the "Risk Management Committee", as a subordinate of the "CSR Committee", to unify company-wide compliance activities transversally. We have established "Standards of Action" and "Compliance Guideline" as a cornerstone for determining concrete action, such as sincere and ethic-based action. The management team take the initiative and abide by the rules, in order to educate compliance to all the employees', so they are able to take action independently.
  4. The audit section collaborates with the "CSR Committee" and "Risk Management Committee." Committee activities are regularly reported to the board of directors and Audit and Supervisory Committee.
  5. E-mail which are sent outside the company are monitored. Employees use the Hot Line as a method to inform or consult suspective action related to the law and article. We have also established the "Whistle-blower system", which stipulate employees so they are not put into a disadvantage. Also, this system is applied to our group companies.
  6. The reliability of financial report and the validity and efficiency of the system comply with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, maintaining a good control environment, strengthening company-wide internal control and also controlling the activities of each operating process, by setting up the "Internal Control Committee", placing the President as chairman, to raise and maintain reliability of financial report.
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