We are fully aware of the importance of protecting personal information and information submitted to us by our customers and business partners. We will handle the given information based on the following policy for proper management and protection. (Including personal numbers and specific personal information; the same shall be applied hereinafter.)
- Law related to the protection of personal information (Act on the Protection of Personal Information), administrative procedures for using numbers that identify a specific individual (Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures) and other related law or guideline shall abide, shall be based on customs in which generally are recognized as fair and reasonable and shall be properly handled.
- We will properly handle personal information by organizing company regulation related to the handling of personal information, educating our employees and deploying internal audit.
- We will handle personal information based on its purpose of use by notifying the purpose and by disclosing and clarifying information related to obtaining the personal information. We will not use specific personal information out of the range limited by the law and regulation.
- We will take necessary measures and properly manage to prevent leakage, loss, falsification of personal information and shall endeavor to maintain it up to date in the range necessary for satisfying its purpose of use.
- Retained personal information shall be disclosed, corrected, discontinued its utilization in good faith by recieval of request to the prescribed Contact Personnel.